Service - How it works

What is i-Probe?
i-Probe is an innovative data collection system that enables road management agencies to carry out pavement condition inspections economically and rapidly, and with greater data consistency. i-Probe uses Connected Vehicles transmitting data in real time to capture road roughness, identify pavement distresses, and map these with faster turnaround than traditional methods. i-Probe also applies Big Data analytics to achieve continuous pavement condition monitoring of very wide areas using fleets of Connected Vehicles.

i-Probe shares a strategic partnership with Honda Motors and develops its technology specifically to leverage the various onboard sensors preinstalled in late-model Honda vehicles. i-Probe currently offers two methods of pavement monitoring service:

(1) i-Probe’s Smart Road Monitoring Connected Vehicle (SRMCV) is a custom Connected Vehicle equipped with tactile sensors and video imaging. It scans road roughness and transmits data in real time for subsequent pavement distress analysis and video verification. Pavement insight information is then mapped digitally and distresses catalogued.

(2) i-Probe’s Road Condition Monitoring Big Data Analytics Service (RoCoMo-BDAS) is a data collection method that relies on fleets of Connected Vehicles driven by everyday road users. This system allows for continuous pavement condition monitoring over very wide geographic areas. It also provides a steady stream of unbroken historic data from which to draw comparative analysis. All collected data is anonymized and processed in aggregate form to protect personal information and comply with all related law.
Do I need to purchase the technology?
No equipment purchase is necessary. i-Probe is a data provider that offers its data collection services as a subscription.

For the Smart Road Monitoring Connected Vehicle (SRMCV) service, the vehicle itself is provided as a rental included in the subscription price.

RoCoMo-BDAS service does not require any equipment, and all information is provided via a cloud-based dashboard.

For both services, all processing, data storage, communications, and reporting services are included in the subscription.
Who operates the technology and carries out inspections?
Unlike many road condition inspection services that are outsourced operations, i-Probe’s SRMCV custom vehicle is rented out to, managed, and operated directly by your organization. This arrangement offers users complete flexibility in data collection scheduling and resource planning. Any data collected by your organization is processed by i-Probe and made available via the cloud dashboard.

RoCoMo-BDAS is a passive data collection method that relies entirely on data crowdsourced from road users.

For both services, i-Probe provides initial training, manuals, and help desk support for before and during the subscription periods.
How much will it cost? How much money can I save by adopting i-Probe?
This largely depends on the size of the road network and length of target routes, number of vehicles, desired frequency of the data collection and reporting, and information contained in the outputs.

i-Probe offers customizable plans to suit even constrained budgets while still providing a practical and meaningful level of pavement condition monitoring.

Contact us to learn how i-Probe can monitor your road network while addressing your particular needs.

Advantages and Benefits

What are the advantages of i-Probe?
There are many! The obvious benefits to road management agencies are:

  • Rapid data collection
  • Short turnaround of results and mapping
  • Cost-effectiveness
  • Machine-consistent data collection without human bias
  • Reliance on pre-installed sensors rather than additional add-ons

Furthermore, the SRMCV as a regular car rental offers quick and easy deployment, and puts the flexibility of inspection scheduling in the road agency’s hands without the constraints and time-consuming arrangements of specialized truck outsourcing.

RoCoMo Big Data Analytics Service offers road condition monitoring of county-wide or even state-wide areas continuously 365 days a year.

Finally, i-Probe’s exclusive relationship with OEM automakers grants us direct access to the latest and upcoming R&D pipeline for commercial production. This enables us to craft our own technology to take full advantage of the sensors and capabilities of future production vehicles. i-Probe’s reliance solely on onboard sensors keeps your upfront and operating costs low, makes almost any late-model production vehicle from our OEM partner a part of your fleet.
I already have reliable periodic inspections. Why should I adopt i-Probe?
i-Probe is not intended to replace periodic inspections. Rather than fulfilling road condition reporting requirements and maintenance budget allocations, i-Probe services are intended to provide rapid diagnostics and verification.

Road management agencies would most benefit by using i-Probe in conjunction with their periodic inspections to enhance the overall coverage across the entire road network with more frequency. In particular, many road agencies tend to focus periodic inspections on their main trunk roads while deprioritizing secondary and tertiary roads, some of which may not receive necessary inspections for many years.

i-Probe offers road management agencies an advantage in collecting a lot of data very quickly, systematically, and affordably. i-Probe’s service is well-suited for monitoring off-cycle roads or secondary networks not covered in periodic inspections.

i-Probe also benefits road management agencies as a decision-making tool. With its rapid and easy deployment capability and fast turnaround of results, i-Probe makes an excellent verification tool for more informed decision-making and a systematic rationale for the selection of projects.

For agencies more constrained in resources or monitoring capability, i-Probe offers a systematic and consistent way of monitoring entire road networks with affordable and customizable plans.
Who would benefit most from i-Probe service?
i-Probe would most benefit state, county, and municipal road management agencies as well as pavement maintenance service providers who are constrained by budget, or lack adequate road network monitoring capability, or are in need of a systematic and information-based decision-making method, or simply desire to enhance existing inspection capability and data consistency. Any organization that is interested in rapid, cost-effective, and accurate road data collection should contact us for a trial.

Technological Capabilities

How is i-Probe superior to other road maintenance monitoring technology out there?
While it is illogical to “compare apples to oranges”, i-Probe has distinct advantages in various ways.

(1) i-Probe is a data subscription service—not an outsourcing service. We do not carry out road maintenance services for you, but provide you with superior tools and the means to carry out data collection tasks more efficiently at your own pace and budget.

(2) i-Probe scanning technology relies entirely on onboard sensors and cameras already pre-installed in late-model regular cars. This takes manufacturing or equipment costs out of the equation, lowering upfront and operational costs for our customers.

(3) Some i-Probe outputs, including pavement mapping, are produced in real time while the inspection is being carried out. All other outputs including verification of pavement distresses are turned around in a matter of days as opposed to typical outsourcing services which could take months.

(4) In terms of data collection speed, the i-Probe SRMCV can be operated up to 70 mph without losing sensor accuracy allowing coverage of even the most expansive road networks in less time. The RoCoMo Big Data Analytics Service is passively monitoring all areas continuously.
Is i-Probe output compliant with or compatible to commonly used highway standards and indices?
In multiple survey trials of the same road segments, i-Probe’s data collection vehicle was compared to a laser-based pavement profiler. i-Probe’s native unit of roughness output (RSM) was found to have a correlational coefficient of 88.85% against the pavement profiler’s IRI results demonstrating a very strong correlation.

i-Probe is currently researching methods for more direct conversion of output into commonly-used standards and indices, such as IRI.
How accurate is it?
In terms of identifying false positives in road deformities, i-Probe performance testing including verification has resulted in 100% accuracy.

In terms of geolocation mapping, data output is accurate within a few meters.
What should be expected in terms of capability enhancements, upgrades, and/or pipeline?
Naturally, R&D details are a trade secret, but we are continuously working to enhance almost all existing capabilities. This includes improved detection capability, sensitivity, and accuracy. To improve our value and service delivery, we are looking at expanding the range of detection tools to integrate enhanced visual imaging capability, new types of sensors, and wider compatibility with different output formats.

On the Company

Is i-Probe a Japanese company?
i-Probe Inc. is a legal entity of the United States registered in the state of Delaware. It is headquartered in McLean, Virginia.
Who is behind i-Probe?
i-Probe Inc. leverages the combined virtues of engineering consulting firms, ICT specialists, construction experts, and automobile makers from both the United States and Japan. i-Probe enjoys partnerships with various private and public entities of all levels across the United States and Japan.
How did the i-Probe concept come about?
The concept of i-Probe was conceived with support by the government of Japan and has evolved into an exemplary collaboration between Japan and the United States— a technological venture referenced in a summit level “US-Japan Joint Leaders’ Statement” (2021).