
Revolutionizing pavement inspection.

i-Probe is a road condition inspection method that uses sensor capabilities existing in common, late-model cars to detect road deficiencies in real time with a high degree of accuracy.

The i-Probe Concept

Using a system of car-mounted sensors transmitting data in real-time, i-Probe offers road condition mapping and deterioration analysis at a fraction of the time and cost as traditional methods.

Road deformities such as potholes are identified by an array of pre-installed sensors integrated with video systems which then transmit data to a cloud in real-time allowing users to quickly gain insight into their road conditions.

The result is saving time and resources while optimizing efficiencies in road maintenance and safety. With the ability to track conditions along a road network rapidly over time to forecast deterioration patterns, i-Probe enables a more predictive approach to road maintenance.

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The i-Probe Advantage

Predictive Maintenance

Cost Reduction

Greater Efficiency

Expert Input

Rapid road condition data collection over a given time period. When analyzed holistically, this historic data shows deterioration severity and rate over time which allows for more accurate inference. This consequently enables more efficient budgeting and resource allocation. Early detection of road distresses before advanced deterioration saves time and resource allocation. Data collection vehicles can be operated from 6 mph up to 70 mph without sacrificing sensory measurement accuracy. Even large road networks can be covered multiple times periodically with minimal staff. Team of transport engineers and consultants process and analyze data into: types of distress, deterioration severity levels and priority, actionable maintenance / rehabilitation steps, and additional value-added analysis customized for the user.

Who is i-Probe for?

i-Probe would most benefit state, county, and municipal road management agencies as well as pavement maintenance service providers who are constrained by budget, lack comprehensive road network monitoring capability, or simply desire to enhance existing inspection accuracy and capability.

i-Probe will benefit any organization that is interested in:

  • Rapid, cost-effective, and accurate quantitative road data collection
  • Greater road network deterioration mapping
  • Comprehensive road maintenance plans
  • Predictive inference for future pavement deterioration
  • Objective, uniform, and consistent data across entire road network

  • Contact us for your trial today.
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